Research VIDEOS
Researchers' VOICE
July 5, 2021
Nagoya University scientists reveal unprecedentedly versatile new DNA staining probe
July 1, 2021
A world first! Visualizing atomic-scale structures with the optical force
June 24, 2021
Katana, anchor and protein: uncovering mysteries of microtubule formation in plant cells
June 21, 2021
Cohesin opens up for cell division
Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy
June 16, 2021
Simple urine test may help early detection of brain tumors
May 31, 2021
Scientists identify protein that activates plant response to nitrogen deficiency
Mathematical and physical sciences
May 21, 2021
Plasma jets reveal magnetic fields far, far away
May 12, 2021
A naturally sourced colorant could replace synthetic blue dye used in the food industry
May 7, 2021
Star formation is triggered by cloud-cloud collisions, study finds
April 23, 2021
Age-related muscle loss and walking abilities predict outcomes after lung cancer surgery
April 21, 2021
Improving survival in pancreatic cancer
April 5, 2021
Origins of life could have started with DNA-like XNAs